We’ve Been Spoilt - Thames Rockets Gifts!

Published by Fern Pearson 2376 days ago

We love what we do here at Thames Rockets and we are so glad that our passengers share our passion. So much so that we have been spoilt with some groovy gifts in the 12 years that we’ve been blasting down the Thames!

Some of our passengers go above and beyond leaving us a TripAdvisor review and we thought it was only right to share some of these marvellous gifts that we have received here at Thames Rockets HQ with you!

Thames Rockets cakes!

Last month Ryan came on-board with us and loved his trip with us so much that he asked his Mum for this fantastic Thames Rockets birthday cake to celebrate his 10th Birthday! 

The attention to detail on this cake is just superb, including the red life jackets and 12 passengers on the boat!

One of the best drawings we’ve ever received!

Skipper Doug’s nephew Cameron came on board with us last week and sent us a drawing that melted our hearts here at Thames Rockets HQ. He enjoyed his trip SO much that he drew a picture of Doug skippering a Thames Rocket. 

You may have spotted that Doug is also all dressed in red. Looking good Doug, very on brand! 

Last but certainly not least… a cast!

Not quite a gift but it touched us all the same!

Well what can we say... talk about a #1 fan! Dylan loves Thames Rockets so much that even his football injury couldn’t stop him coming on board with us AND he even got our logo on his cast! What a little trooper.


If you haven’t been on-board with us recently and want to be reminded of the experience that spurred the giving of these gifts then come and join us! We’d love to have you.

Are you ready?

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